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What’s the issue?

Poor diets and food related waste- with detrimental consequences for future generations, and the planet.


  • 94% of Australian kids are not eating the recommended amounts of fruit and vegetables
  • Ave. 50% of 18-24 year-old Australians are classified as overweight or obese, and 80% of 65 yr+ adults (National Obesity Strategy: 2022-2032)
  • Health eating supports optimal growth and development, behaviour, emotional regulation, protects from illness and enables successful learning
  • Diet-related health issues lead to cardiovascular diseases; the number one cause of death in the western world.



  • The average school lunchbox contains 4-6x disposable soft plastic wrappers
  • Australians dispose of about 2.7 million tonnes of plastic each year
  • Australians are increasingly turning to ‘take-away’ or eat-out meals (estimated at 30% of total household food budget)
  • Approximately 30% of total waste in Australia is food waste, with an estimated 7.6 million tonnes of food, across the supply chain, wasted each year, (including ‘5 million sandwiches and 3 million pieces of fruit‘. Oz Harvest)
  • Food waste costs the economy over $36 billion each year (Sustainable Development, March 2024)
  • The Australian government aims to reduce food waste by 50% by 2030.

Why are we eating so poorly?

Because processed foods are convenient, tasty, moreish, beautifully wrapped, have a long shelf-life, QUICKER to prepare, and are often cheaper than fresher foods.
The Tuck Box Initiative team is convinced that there is another way..

Our Solutions


to create long-term, healthy habits

Programs & Resources:

The Tuck Box Initiative is the educational program of the social enterprise, My Tuck Box. 

This program aims to inspire and enable upper primary school age students to cook healthy food and prepare their own school lunches (coined, Tuck Boxes):

Tuck Box Accreditation is achieved when the below actions are successfully carried out by an affiliate school. 

  1. Delivered the presentation that teaches the impact of food on one’s body, mind, and the environment. 
  2. Regular use of TBI resources (healthy eating posters, Tuck Box Tally Charts, compost bins..) to promote nutritional education and reduce waste (both food and plastic)
  3. Integrate The Good Food Journal, a hands-on food & cooking activity book, into the teaching of the HPE curriculum. 
These resources are all aligned with the Queensland V9 Primary Curriculum ( *Nutrition and food specialisations, *Informed choices and sustainable practices).

Latest News

The Ideal Snack

An afternoon snack is meant to satisfy your hunger with food that gives you energy, but does not ruin your appetite for dinner.

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Woolworths and Life Ed work towards getting more VEGETABLES & PROTEINS in school lunch boxes.. Here’s how:

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from a stalk, in just one month! Click on the link to find out how… So many ways to use delicious celery!In a smoothie, stew,

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